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Steel rust enhance the operational capability of the Battle Marketing

Time:[2016-4-23]  Hits:4029

Steel rust enhance the operational capability of the Battle Marketing

Guangzhou Steel Lead: spring sowing, cultivation summer, autumn harvest, winter plan; cycle, a virtuous circle - farming nation. And it is just the opposite: brave and tough, a short chase profits, to make a living like nomads on horseback. Today's steel rust marketing, but also for such a struggle: intensive 'farming style' marketing PK accustomed to plunder 'nomadic' marketing.


    'Nomadic' marketing model: the main short-term goal, to operate the way overdraft markets through a single, linear thinking style operation means Latin American relations, promotions, flat market, Yahuo, vicious competition.

    'Type of farming' marketing model: the long-term goal-oriented, intensive, focus on brand building, service-oriented, technological innovation, pay attention to the quality of personnel training, through long-term fear of toil to accumulate brand value, and ultimately provide consumers with a premium product the market mode of operation.

    Throughout Chinese steel rust market, many companies in product planning, feature set, technology research and development innovation, not willing to put in more effort, and accustomed to using easy means of plagiarism, such as access to imitate. Second, they use continuous development of auto ways to achieve short-term sales growth, but do not pay attention to the latter part of the dealer support and Training. Or multi-brand operation, 'a child born of a few, all of them grab food to eat' phenomenon is not uncommon in the industry steel rust. Furthermore, in order to Yahuo, flat channels, promotions and other linear manner overdraft market, regardless of crop farming manufacturers just make a large number of distributors marketing move against.

    'Run faster, you must first bent; to harvest, must first sow'. Adhere to local agricultural marketing model steel rust brands, and distributors blood linked and intertwined, it must be hard work together with the dealer, waiting for the harvest of the year.

    Therefore, insist on agricultural marketing, for us to lead the national steel rust enterprises with foreign brand competition strategic sense, it is a constant battle.

    Product: 'Parody' PK value innovation
    Follow farming marketing, more emphasis on improving product competitiveness, focusing on the product structure is set, feature set and image packaging, etc., and make their products in the structure, function, appearance can be better, and ultimately a premium product. In fact, the product is the need to force the core technology and the ability to support lasting innovation must be developed in line with consumer demand and competitive products, only put more research and development costs and the introduction of high-tech talent, in order to ensure product strength. Further packaging is also very important, a market research: As the exquisite packaging design and purchase of goods typically attract more than 45% of the budget, which shows a large package of charm.

    Channel: 'one size fits all' PK optimize the structure
    Steel rust and marketing development to this stage, a problem can not be avoided is the channel sink. However, some steel rust channel flat as manufacturers will increase sales of a killer, to boost sales of the magic seems to only the flat channel. In agricultural marketing, the channel is flat vendor win-win, a virtuous circle. Not to abandon the flat channel distributors, dealers or grab a bowl of meat, its core is the emphasis on the terminal, the way is through the operation of the terminal intensive, better achieve the dealer's service and management. Flat channel is only a means, not an end. The dealer has done the worst area flat, the worst regional operation is completed, the dealer will inevitably affect business ideas achieve positive work channels.

    Price: lower prices run PK unified management
    Blind pursuit of low prices alone to seize the market price at the expense of some performance and long-term brand-building products. Steel rust retail market, the most common means of competition is price war. Today you tomorrow I price the price reduction to come down on the entire industry into a profit-hand combat. What is more low-priced sales using the Internet, regardless of whether the price system would be chaotic brand impact. Farming intensive focus on brand marketing, pay attention to the rational unified price system, safeguard the common interests of all regional distributors, in order to achieve service consumer brand recognition. Each distribution strictly abide by price policies formulated by dealers, not R & D center, not lower prices. Put customer service first, carefully managing their resources, integration of resources to achieve greater effect. Strict and reasonable prices make the total distribution and distributors win.

    Control the market: simple Yahuo way PK enhance the viability of dealer
    BYD dealer said: BYD manufacturers use rebate promotion under the guise of doing mandatory Yahuo dealers, leading to disruptions due to funding many dealers have reluctantly flesh turned to other stores. It's a story in the steel rust industry also continue to unfold. Many steel rust brands are supposed to work, the dealer last year, selling goods normal. For manufacturers, to do so you can quickly complete the sales target, greatly possession dealer financing. But sales rely on consumers to buy real products generated sales pressure will only lead to market disorder, it is not a real market share, it is the transfer of the warehouse, sales growth is only an illusion.

    Agricultural marketing is not pinning his hopes by way of ballast to control the market, but by the manufacturers sales team, working with dealers to clear market barriers, the product delivered directly to the terminal. Sales managers can focus on energy market operation it is not necessary to complete the sales by a simple ballast. Real agricultural marketing, they do not necessarily have nomadic smart, but they get the market through their own efforts, rather than the goods down to business warehouse, forcing dealers themselves.

    Scale Expansion: the half-hearted PK focus on business
    Guangzhou rust steel industry due to its characteristics occupy less money sales, auto sales in the steel rust easier to recover the principal. Money in the hands of dealers, thoughts naturally changed: Today fried rooms, fry stocks tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and want to engage in numerous restaurants ...... like the idea, and finally let outweigh their original investment management brand slowly shrinking.

    Competitiveness of agricultural marketing is focused on business, tempered into a steel. The chairman said: 'give in to temptation, loneliness in their own industry in painstaking cultivation. Just can hold their own core competencies, to do a 50-year ascetic we are not afraid. 'In our dealer system, together with those bigger and stronger dealers abound. They do now millions, tens of millions from the first few million, the only way to complete the accumulation of brand in the fierce competition.


    Team building: 'transfusion' PK 'blood'
    Today's steel rust sales market, most dealers generally or in Latin America to do the project, mom and pop operations, by way of the relationship between the oil woodworking operations. Regional Manager dealers rely on manufacturers to provide advice for market operations, which is often said that the manufacturers to dealers 'blood transfusion'. However, personnel shortages in some small businesses themselves, how can dealers 'blood transfusion', they tend to be a regional manager responsible for several area, far from meeting the needs of dealers.

    Adhere farming marketing strength of the team can not be ignored. Manufacturers to dealers 'blood transfusion' to be done, but not unlimited, really powerful dealers own marketing team. We have some dealers already has his own team, there is no part of his team, no team for dealers. Another important task is to support manufacturers to do and train distributors to create their own marketing team to help dealers achieve 'blood' function. For manufacturers, 'blood transfusion' Project important, but more important is that the future can make our own dealers 'blood'.

    Guangzhou Steel Company In summary, the steel rust marketing, those who are seeking short interest, accustomed to easy access to the interests of the nomadic way of marketing, may be able to benefit in the short term. But the real power play or agricultural marketing, market to sustainable development, is necessarily a marketing-oriented farming. As a final victory over the nomadic farming nation like agricultural marketing will eventually win.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號