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Steel 11 advantage, boosting it to become the main theme of the future of housing!

Time:[2016-1-16]  Hits:4299

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel 11 advantage, boosting it to become the main theme of the future of housing!

Guangzhou Steel News: sustainable construction, production of mobile phones can be likened to the same house built, the different parts were placed on factory assembly lines. In accordance with the standard production of steel structures, doors, windows, light bulbs and other 'building components' shipped to the factory for modular assembly, then these semi-finished products 'building components' transportation to the site were built, it subverts the construction of nearly a hundred years of history, has changed Traditional building mode. "

1, 10 times the construction safety (100% quality assurance)

Compared with traditional architecture, steel components, high-precision production of factory pre-production, production by the high-tech production equipment to control; site construction by the mechanized operations, reduce manual processing errors, quality and more secure, safer construction. And construction efficiency 4-5 times

2, greater room rate (1/3 weight construction)

Steel wall full play the comprehensive advantages of steel and concrete, less lugs, less the number of walls, sturdy double, indoor area utilization rate increased by 4% to 6%. Steel wall a small number of buildings than traditional weight reduction of two-thirds of the building, interior light non-load-bearing walls can change the layout, decoration and more casual.

3, more earthquake (9 degrees earthquake)

The number of earthquake casualties closely associated with the building structure. Traditional reinforced concrete buildings 7 earthquake, easily crushing collapse, causing heavy casualties. The steel building 9 degree earthquake, good ductility, can absorb more seismic energy, and therefore more earthquake.

4, short duration (duration 1/4)

Because, according to specifications of steel parts for the factory production, on-site construction assembly, construction and protected from the weather. Floor the assembled self-supporting steel truss floor, simultaneous multilayer construction can achieve interchange operation, construction faster, day three, saving the construction period than traditional building 3/4.

5, 93% of the factory (1/10 site work)

"Plant Site things to do outdoor things to do indoors, construction simulation and on-site computer to do things stakeout, 85% to 95% of component parts can be processed in the factory, a decrease of approximately 60% of the number of field operations than conventional buildings. At the same time Easy removal, some products can be reused, recycled materials delivered to the site more future will not be fragmented steel, concrete, insulation board, but a block wall, stairs and other "parts"; Workers in machinery coordination with these "parts" assembled into a dwelling after another.

6, 1% of construction waste (green building)

Traditional architecture to produce 200 kilograms of garbage per square meter, a 50,000-square-meter building about emissions of ten thousand tons of garbage. Construction waste accounted for 30% -50% of municipal waste, building materials and construction dust transport accounts for 10-30% of urban air pollution, water consumption is great, and pollute the water. Architecture can be built in a factory manufacturing sectors in building decoration, construction site still no fire, water, dust, and tasteless. No welding, no 1% cement, little gauze, construction waste less than conventional buildings.

7, five times the energy efficiency (1/5 air-conditioning consumption)

Standardized prefabricated wall panels using light instead of saving clay, good insulation properties, reinforced concrete building energy efficiency ratio of 50%, summer and winter thermostat. Winter heating energy savings, summer power-saving air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment, air conditioning consumes only 1/5 of traditional architecture.

8, more environmentally friendly (green building)

Residential Steel dry construction, so noise pollution, dust pollution, water pollution is very low. Greatly reducing construction sand, stone, the amount of ash, the use of materials, mainly green 100% recycled material or degradation during building demolition, will not cause waste pollution.

9, an air cleaner 20 times

Sustainable building through the original "electrostatic precipitator", "high efficiency filter" and achieve clean indoor air than outdoor 20 times, respirable particulate matter is very small, 100% outdoor dirty air filter. "

10, the accumulation of wealth for thousands of years

Building 600 years of life, achievements, "a hundred years building the" dream. Construction Easy to disassemble, site reconstruction, truly sustainable building.

10, promote regional development

As the main representative of green building, steel building with steel recoveries up to 90% advantage in large numbers once built steel building will become a "steel storage warehouses."

11, better quality of life

Developed on the basis of conventional, it can be added to the construction of intelligent building automation and control system and a variety of other facilities. Assisted in more intelligent system, give full play to the advantages can be built to create a comfortable, safe and healthy working environment.

China's modernization process of the green building industry is speed, relying on pilot projects to promote the industrialization of environmental protection, excellent quality, affordable and comfortable steel buildings are becoming the main theme of the future of new housing.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號