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Steel housing industry to explore

Time:[2016-1-16]  Hits:4107

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel housing industry to explore

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel housing industry to explore

The same floor space, built with steel housing area compared to other structural forms, and this is due to the characteristics of steel construction decision. Hang Xiao Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hangxiao) is recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the steel industry's first "national housing industry base," and also to achieve better results in a company in the field of steel structure housing.

First, the housing industry

Live is one of the four elements of human life, the life of two-thirds of the time spent in and around the residential living environment, therefore, housing is the need to provide humanity with security, housing, durability, environmental performance and economic and other performance and functionality.

With the rapid development of urbanization, domestic demand for housing continued upward trend, the housing industry has become a pillar industry of the national economy. The author believes that to achieve the housing industry production, improve the quality of residential products, saving energy consumption, in line with the strategic needs of our country for sustainable development.

According to the definition of the United Nations Economic Commission for "industrialization" of features are six:

First, the continuity of production;

Second, the standardization of production;

The third is the continuity of the various stages of the production process;

Fourth, the work of highly organized;

Fifth, instead of people as possible with a mechanical manual labor;

Six is ​​the integration of research and experimental production and organization.

Combined with the characteristics of residential buildings, namely the housing included in the scope of social production, residential building for the final product, so that residential development design certification, standardization, built construction components, intensive, assembly, production management information, to improve the quality of residential construction products, improve production efficiency and extend the life of residential buildings, reduce production costs, reduce energy consumption in the production process required.

Second, the status of the housing industry development at home and abroad

Total foreign housing industry is characterized by industrial way of production. From World War II to the 1960s, residential industrialized countries throughout Europe and extended to the United States, Canada, Japan and other developed economies. Since then, the number of residential construction industrialization transition from development to improve the quality of direction.

After entering the 1980s, along with the socio-economic and cultural development, improving people's living requirements, turning to focus on residential housing industrialization and diversification of functions direction of industrialization, housing system by a dedicated system to change common system.

France is one of the first industrialized country to implement the construction of the world, they are the creation of a fully assembled large plate and instrumental template situ processes as a symbol of "the first generation of building industrialization", and to develop common structures, fixtures and equipment products Transitional features of the "second generation of building industrialization." Residential building system developed by the schools, office buildings, hospitals, sports clubs and other public buildings.

Sweden is one of the world's most developed industrialized housing, 80 per cent of residential use with common components based residential common system.

Denmark is the world's number one will die legalization country, a large number of residential buildings also use a variety of prefabricated panel system.

Britain's housing industry level is also very developed, building structure is used in a wide range, and built a number of multi-residential high-rise steel structures, such as the London Raines courtyard.

The former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries in the 1950s and 1960s with prefabricated panel residential building system based, is now exploring the universal standard system components, and also combined with the specific conditions of each country, the proper development of in-situ and in-situ assembly combining the industrialized housing system.

US residential construction market develop improved housing using standardized components and parts, serialization and specialization, commercialization and the high level of socialization, almost close to 100%, all kinds of construction machinery, equipment, apparatus, such as leasing of highly developed, commercialization of concrete to reach 84%. US housing built in the suburbs, mainly in the lower house.

Earlier US housing mostly wooden structure built with lightweight steel structure technology matures, perfect, is gradually replacing wood with steel. According to statistics, in 1996 the United States has 200,000 small residential steel frame, accounting for 20% of the total number of residential buildings; light steel building systems market share increased from 15% in 1965 to 2000 growth of 75%.

Japan's housing industry began in the early 1960s. In order to simplify the construction site, improve product quality and efficiency, the implementation of parts of Japan on housing, mass production. 1970s Japan's housing industry maturity and industrialization mode of production in this period accounted for about 10% of the residential total number of completed housing. The mid-1980s, industrial way to produce the total completed housing accounted for 15% to 20% of residential housing quality and functionality improves.

To the 1990s, the use of industrial way to produce residential accounts for 25% -28% of the total completed housing. Japan is the world's first production house in factories, residential architecture industrialization based mainly in light steel structure, light steel structure housing industrialization accounted for about 80% of the industrialized housing; In addition, Japan has also built a number of Tall Steel housing, such as Ashiya Hamamatsu rise Steel Residences.

In 1956, China began building industrialization development ideas put forward, because a large amount of a wide range of residential construction, its development mainly in the residential sector. The late 1950s appear assembly siding Apartments, 1960s brick wall residential appear later in the 1970s began to promote large template housing, sliding template residential, light plate frame house.

Although in recent years, China's housing industry has made a relatively large development, but their level of development is still in the extensive development stage, the development of the housing industry has just started, specifically in the following five areas:

First, the low level of industrialization of residential building;

Second, building materials, equipment and residential parts of the production and supply, there is no advanced technology, production scale, serialized supporting social supply system, resulting in poor quality housing, equipment general poor performance cost ratio is unreasonable;

Third, resources are not being effectively utilized, energy wasted;

Fourth, the construction site mechanization, rationalization of low degree, the lack of technical service system construction;

Fifth of technology advancement on the development of the housing industry contribution rate, the housing industry as an extensive development mode.

Third, the main direction of the housing industry

Manufactured housing industry refers to the way residential industrial production, improving labor productivity in the construction of residential housing while improving the overall quality and reduce resource consumption.

Our housing industry building architecture including precast concrete (PC) prefabricated building, light steel construction, multi-residential high-rise steel structures.

Precast concrete (PC) prefabricated building is precast concrete elements or components in the factory, assembled at the construction site housing formed. Core prefabricated house is precast and cast nodes by combining their respective advantages, to ensure structural integrity. Advantages of precast concrete prefabricated homes have good quality, short construction period, higher level of industrialization, but compared with the in-situ concrete structure, construction quality control requirements of high field nodes; and overall better than concrete, high-rise and high intensity District application need to be cautious.

Light steel structure housing system is defined by the envelope, walls and partition structure and steel supporting structure composed of residential system, frame support structure commonly used cold-formed steel. Light steel structure is generally used for low-rise residential housing, especially in the villa. The system of quality of light, the plant processing site member assembly, construction speed, good quality.

More high-rise steel residential system consists of steel as a load-bearing structure, with industrial floor systems, internal and external wall system to form a complete system of residential building. Advantages of multi-level steel structure housing system are: Column gateway from large and small member section, flexible layout of the building was the room rate; structural members all working in the factory, a high degree of on-site assembly. More high-rise steel residential system needs to address is the issue of industrialization floor and external wall systems and to meet building insulation, insulation, waterproofing and the connection node structure and steel structure and other requirements.

Fourth, the steel housing industry situation and the problems of

First, the advantages of residential steel. Promote the industrialization of residential development should be combined with the actual situation of housing, through the promotion of the application can meet the needs of residential construction, but also to adapt to the requirements of the future direction of development of housing construction advanced, mature, economic, applicable to new technologies, new products, with Modern science and technology to accelerate the transformation of traditional housing industry, to improve the overall efficiency of the housing industry's technological level and housing construction, and promote the development of residential product serialization, large-scale production, supply and support. Steel housing meets the above requirements in many ways:

First, from the perspective of building materials used, steel housing is a steel skeleton with a variety of composites assembled from lightweight wall, load-bearing structural system or whether it is supporting floor and wall envelope, the materials can be achieve factory standardization, serialization, and mass production, has changed the traditional houses with brick, a large number of cases in the field of tile work, gray, sand and stone.

The second is from the introduction of new technically, steel residential building technical requirements is much higher than traditional brick or concrete houses, which can take advantage of new technology building aspects, offers a variety of new products to households, selectivity, adaptability Economic residence.

Third, steel housing can drive further development of other building materials. With the popularization of steel construction, fire prevention, anti-corrosion materials and steel have been closely related to the rapid development; completely separate envelope and load-bearing structure is conducive to lightweight, high strength, the development of energy-saving, environmental protection, new wall materials, innovation; to apply to steel structure factory manufacturing node components and equipment products provide a vast construction market; requirements for higher degree of mechanization of construction, promote the construction of mechanical improvements and innovation.

Fourth, steel housing Thanks to standardization, serialization, mass production and mechanical operations, will greatly improve labor productivity. Residential development from project to enterprise, from the site to the factory, which is the inevitable trend of the development of the housing industry. With the accelerated process of industrialization, industrialized housing will not only have a profound impact on residential construction, and will have an enormous share of the residential market.

Second, implementation case domestic steel housing. Steel residential application in China has just started, there are success stories of major companies have Hangxiao Steel, Baoshan Iron and Steel Group, Laiwu Steel Group.

After the earthquake, Baosteel undertake relief resettlement housing project - Dujiangyan Happy Home · Yiyuan land area of ​​83 acres, a total construction area of ​​115,000 square meters, 1,324 affected people can be placed. The project is the construction of a full turnkey Baosteel steel Anju, Sichuan Province, was listed as the first batch of key projects to start reconstruction, but also the International Iron and Steel Institute LivingSteel designated steel housing demonstration project.

Laiwu Steel Group by the construction of the Metro Triumph steel residential projects, the effective use of space increased by about 3% to 6% higher than the corresponding brick structure and reinforced concrete structures.

Hang Xiao Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hangxiao) After 10 years of development, formed a complete set of technologies steel housing system.

From the main structural elements of the system, beam-column joints, floor systems and wall systems, steel corrosion and other aspects of fire safety system solves the problem of industrial steel structure residence.

This technology in line with standardized design, industrial manufacturing, assembly of the construction, industrial information management requirements.

2010, Hangxiao became the first "national housing industry base," the steel industry, the production base of steel structure housing the three board system supporting capacity of 10 million square meters, provide production and quality assurance for the industrial production of steel structure residence .

By the construction of Wuhan Hangxiao century home using self-developed Hangxiao more sets of high-rise steel residential system, the project is the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development "land-efficient" technology demonstration project.

The project was delivered in 2009 to stay, its performance has been fully affirmed by the community and residents, particularly the external walls of the system has successfully solved the problem of cracking and leakage.

Complete multi-level system of steel structure housing construction Hangxiao self-developed Wan Tai county residential district capital is the country's steel housing industrialization demonstration area, in January 2013 was approved as a "province of environmentally friendly energy of Housing and Urban Ministry Residential, national demonstration project ", in July 2013 by the Green Building Design Award identifies experts.

Hangxiao by the Angolan housing home construction projects using steel frame - support system. The project in Africa known as the "five-star house", to give Angolan President dos Santos, the Angolan Government and UN-HABITAT's sure, was awarded the "UN Habitat Environment Award."

Third, the steel structure housing problem to be solved. China's steel housing started late, large-scale research and development, design and manufacture, installation or only developed in recent years.

Compared with developed countries, China's steel housing industrialization are still large gaps, to be constantly improved and enhanced. Currently the main problem restricting China's steel structure housing application and development are:

First, construction materials, high steel production of steel required, materials, material selection criteria and more complete, but still needs to be improved, such as fire safety inspection standard steel cold-formed steel structures in residential applications, fire weather development and application of steel.

Enclosure material steel residential aspects of research needs to be further improved, the development envelope materials suitable for factory parts production to meet building insulation, sound insulation, fireproof, waterproof and easy to spot connections performance requirements.

Second aspect of architecture, for a variety of steel structure system, there is no clearly defined scope, therefore in a residential structure selection, more force from the performance of the structure in order to reduce the amount of steel.

Design of steel structures need to consider structural safety, economic performance, parts standardization member question is a complicated systematic project, although there are a lot of research, but the practical application has not yet reached the industrialization widely, steel selection and optimization of the structure housing the system still needs a lot of research and innovation.

Third, the economic aspects of performance, steel housing system remains unilateral problem of high cost, especially when compared with traditional cast concrete structure, construction and installation costs are often higher unilateral 5% 15%, but at the cost of capital, labor costs, use area side, there are still significant economic advantages, it has better overall efficiency.

Fourth, the concept of respect people, although steel housing in foreign countries has matured and improved, but still new things to the people at home.

Chinese consumers long accustomed to the brick and concrete or reinforced concrete housing, slowly began to receive from the diet gradually, and then like steel housing, but also the need for a gradual process.

In addition, fire, corrosion is a problem of restricting the promotion of steel structure housing. Since the development of the steel structure and the application time is not long, the study of fireproof design is not deep enough, the traditional fire-resistant design requirements for fire retardant coating performance and construction quality control requirements, and will increase the project cost.

Compared with the main steel structure service life, anti-corrosion coating durability still need to improve. China in recent years fire anti-corrosion technology has made great progress, but compared with the industrialized industry requirements, it remains to be further research and development.

Restricting steel housing construction mode can not be underestimated, the existing pattern of residential construction is substantially separated from development and construction and design, design and construction of the separation, this situation has seriously affected the steel housing industry development and promotion of the driving force.

Fifth, the development direction of the steel housing

Industrialization Integration steel housing needs of the industrial chain, need to be standardized source steel residential modular design, industrialization and manufacturing of steel structure, building envelope systems manufacturing, kitchen equipment and other ancillary windows into account, provide supporting adaptable product.

Steel just solve the structural problems of residential architecture, building system integration complete industrial chain, to provide a complete product, but also need cooperation of other residential supporting system.

In product development, not just rely on the enterprise, industry associations or government departments should be the dominant, the whole process of integration of the participating companies jointly developed.

In terms of design, from product standardization, modular aspects, formed a series of ancillary products, in favor of the industrial production, improve the applicability of parts member.

Steel structural system needs innovation to meet the residential building layout and use of functional requirements, to avoid the impact of a large steel columns used for construction, support, etc., thinning building wall thickness. Manufacture of steel structures, control of product quality and production accuracy and reduce production costs.

Enclosure systems manufacturer specialized companies should undertake to provide quality and reliable assembly and strong standard products for the steel structure housing system. Matching doors and windows, the whole kitchen and other manufacturers, and with the development of standards applicable to steel residential accessory products.

Construction of steel structure housing system processes need to be changed. Most of the processing components required parts in the factory is completed, only the assembly of the installation site, improve the assembly of the performance site, the use of mechanical equipment, reduce field labor, shortening the duration of the scene.

Steel residential construction may introduce information technology BIM systems. BIM provides an interactive virtual house design platform, for each of the parts member, establish component information system.

In component production, before the construction of the three-dimensional virtual member review prior to fabrication and construction of various problems found and resolved.

The introduction of BIM system that can improve the design of the professional cooperation; control of product quality and precision from manufacturing; control construction positioning accuracy and construction organizations from the construction side, effectively improve the efficiency in the workplace.

Government, through the guiding role of public housing construction patterns and aspects of policies and regulations. We can learn from the experience of advanced countries, such as Japan in order to build public housing to solve the housing shortage and to promote industrialization, with policies and regulations to guide and regulate the development of the housing industry.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號