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China Iron and Steel Industry Regional Planning Analysis

Time:[2015-12-12]  Hits:4578

China Iron and Steel Industry Regional Planning Analysis

Abstract: The steel industry is the basic industry of national economy, rational planning of the steel industry contribute to regional economic and reasonable, and orderly conduct. In the setting of economic transformation and ecological civilization construction, iron and steel industry in the face of excess capacity, worsening business environment and environmental pressures unprecedented questions. In this setting, analyze the future demand for steel, steel reasonable judgment capacity, planning to carry out adjustment and optimization of the steel industry, the steel industry transformation and upgrading of great significance. Under the new normal, a more advanced form of the Chinese economy forward, the division of labor is more complex, more structured evolution stage, the steel industry plan big changes will also enter a new phase of major adjustment.

First, the Chinese steel industry status quo of regional planning

2014, China's crude steel output of 820 million tons, the output value of more than 20 million tons of steel annually provinces increased in 2014 to $ 12, respectively, Hebei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Tianjin, Sichuan Jiangxi and Guangxi, the Bohai Rim region and the central region of the eastern coastal region is still China's two largest steel-producing regions. Guangzhou Steel


The distribution of steelmaking capacity and the value of the distribution is similar to the distribution of production capacity will be set in several provinces and the central region of the Bohai Sea provinces. Where steelmaking capacity in North China region accounted for 35% of the country, followed by East region, Central South region, the Northeast region, southwest region and northwest region.


"Twelfth Five-Year Plan" requirements, the steel industry during the second five new restrictions simply to expand production capacity. Industrial planning to zoning, Northeast, North China region will be reduction adjustment, enhance innovation; South, Southwest will follow the same amount of phase-out, to carry out the transformation promotion principles; the western region will have a modest increment across undertaken.

2015 is the "second five" last year, the past four years, a total elimination of backward production capacity of China 81,915,000 tons, out of a total of 2 million tons more than 10 provinces, most of the 30 million tons of Hebei Province, followed by Hubei, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Anhui, Jiangsu and Sichuan, from a regional point of view to meet the requirements of the second Five-Year Plan. But in the aggregate, "1025" period China's crude steel production capacity of 400 million tons added, rising from 760 million tons in 2010 to 1.16 billion tons by the end of 2014, the so-called "reduction adjustment" and "an equal amount elimination "did not reach, while the western region of the" moderate increment "is changed to a rapid increase, was sent to the northwest region of Xinjiang region, especially high expectations from" lack of steel less steel "became another serious overcapacity area. Sleepy regional planning of the steel industry is not optimistic.


Second, the Chinese steel industry Regional Planning Features

One more little east west, North-South light. From the perspective of geographical distribution, the value of production of steel and can be set will be set in the northern and eastern and central regions, Chinese steel mills in northern regions get together, crude steel production planning northern region accounted for 60% of the country at the mercy of Liaoning, Hebei, once " owned steel is king. " Bohai Rim region is also lined steel, the output value exceeding 300 million tons, severe oversupply, about half the output value of the need for external digestion. The Southeast region is the lack of long-term large-scale steel mills, the relative lack of supply. Guangdong, for example, steel consumption in Guangdong has reached 61 million tons or so, 10 percent of the national total spending spending accounted for steel, and in 2014 the output value of Guangdong, only 34.47 million tons of steel each year there are still a lot of steel needs from Northern shipped over, some need to be imported. Guangzhou Steel


The second is more inland and less along the coast. Since the 21st century, China Baosteel, Caofeidian, Anshan Iron and Steel Bayuquan steel industry, represented by the coast type planning strategy to gradually push, but the effect is not ideal. With the overall weakness in the steel industry in recent years, it has built Caofeidian Jingtang Steel and Angang Bayuquan project items are exposed to suffer losses, funds increasingly difficult, slow push late works. Baosteel Zhanjiang Port project in the blast after a decade of One just on the line, Wuhan Iron and Steel Fangchenggang project completion is even more elusive. China's steel industry can be said to promote coastal planning strategy is slow, on the whole, China's iron and steel enterprises Riverside real sea is still small, a small proportion of the steel industry is still dominated by inland enterprises format.

Third, relying on the type of capital-based foundation has not changed the format. For a long time, China's steel industry plan is to use the principles of domestic capital and close to the commencement of iron ore raw materials, steel and planning not only scattered, but a considerable number of steel production capacity from the market, causing a lot of steel to go through long-distance transport, resulting in enterprises increase competitiveness and reduce logistics costs. National Development and Reform Commission report pointed out that compared with developed countries, China's steel industry will set degree still too low, many enterprises, planning a small, decentralized planning base situation has not yet been changed, the point of view from the industry as a whole does not have the initiative to control the market needs value, ability to maintain reasonable prices. At present China's steel industry has continued relying on capital-based planning. Hebei's crude steel output and ore output rank first in the provinces of the northeast Anshan Benxi Iron and Steel, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Taiyuan, Anhui Maanshan Iron and Steel, Panzhihua in Sichuan, Gansu Jiuquan Steel, Xinjiang Bayi Iron & Steel and other companies are in when the subway unfolded ore capital base, they still are an important iron and steel production base in China.

Fourth, the water area than the major iron and steel production. Important statistics nearly 60% of enterprises located in water-scarce regions, nearly 30 percent are in severe water shortage area. North China region belong to the per capita capital is lower than the severe water shortage area 500m³, but crude steel production planning was ranked first, accounting for 35% of the country.

Fifth, steel city-planning is obvious. Chinese iron and steel enterprises in a large part in the city, a considerable part of the iron and steel enterprises in the capital city or regional center city, "City-type" steel characteristics significantly. According to statistics, China's iron and steel enterprises have 75 points in 18 municipalities and the capital city was built, there are 34 million people in more than build cities.

Third, the trend of China's steel industry to carry out planning

"Thirteen Five" when the global economic recovery is delayed, the world situation is complicated. Affected restrict so-called "three overlay" feature China's economic development is amplified, forcing Chinese economy has entered a "new normal" economic downturn pressure. Third quarter GDP fell to 6.9 percent this year, to further increase the downward pressure on the annual projected 7%.

In accordance with past relationship with GDP spent strength steel, GDP7%, iron and steel should be in the 3% increase, but in fact may not be achieved. Because the composition of GDP is changing, in investment, exports, spending "troika", the investment contribution rate of the past has been more than 50%, while spending less than 35%. As steel "has been carried out," the main driving factor is the investment, so in the case of a high proportion of investment spending high strength steel; future spending and investment contribution rate should be transposed, namely investment accounted for 30 percent, accounting for 60% of spending, The cost can not pull the steel demand, with the sharp decline in the proportion of investment in steel demand shrinking, the same GDP, greatly decreased the strength of the steel cost, so 7% of GDP can not be increased by 3% femoral artery and steel.

On the other hand, as technology advances forward especially in manufacturing, iron and steel takes strength also decreases. Chinese steel with highly fortified, steel reduction trend has become increasingly evident.

Former State Bureau of Metallurgical Zhao Xizi that "one is to change the composition of GDP, one is to change the composition of investment, which is the superposition of two elements, the Chinese continue to lower cost-strength steel, 2005 steel consumption yuan GDP more than 200 kg, 2007 dropped to 174 kg, only 110 kg in 2014, an average of 12 kilograms per year in 2014, even before descending in accordance with the speed, "Thirteen Five" also will be reduced to 50 kg mercy;. then GDP under the new economic normality constitution and investment constitute two elements into consideration, "Thirteen Five" weekend dropped to 20-30 kg. If the "Thirteen Five" during the annual GDP growth 3.6 trillion dollars, an increase of 720 to 9,000,000 tons of steel per year is enough a. "

Therefore, China's steel industry, "Thirteen Five" period is no longer planning to simply adjust the main, but the industry promoted as the main theme.

First, the new iron and steel industry planning will be "going out" as the goal, with the "along the way" to carry out an opportunity to move in strategic regional market share from the beginning of construction steel supply base, and gradually promote deep processing, logistics and distribution until the construction of a modest plan Steel Plant. Guangzhou Steel

Second, the domestic existing spatial planning will continue to optimize. Actively promote the central city urban steel restructuring and relocation of the transformation is completed effective domestic steel production capacity will be set to the region more competitive enterprises and comparative advantage. Mainly relying on domestic energy and mineral resources of major projects in the Midwest capital planning priority, mainly using imported capital priority of major projects in the coastal border regional planning, orderly promote the city as steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals corporate environmental relocation of production factors clustering relies guide Important national project to build a batch of internationally competitive manufacturing enterprises, the industrial chain as a link to the industrial park as a carrier to carry out a number of professional and distinctive features, outstanding brand image, service platform, complete modern industrial clusters.

Finally, on the industrial planning, domestic steel production capacity will vigorously promote the consolidation and reorganization, to 2025, the top ten steel companies (Group) crude steel output accounted for the proportion of not less than 60%, constituting 3 to 5 large iron and steel conglomerate . Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號