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Hangzhou has a protection of the country's largest steel housing

Time:[2015-11-25]  Hits:4347

Hangzhou has a protection of the country's largest steel housing

Hangzhou City Housing Construction Bureau, there had been such an interesting thing: the bureau received a report, said the Hebei Road and Qingchun Road intersection, but not concrete mixer on a construction site Ruifeng International Business Building, overnight actually cover a four floors. Whistleblowers, said: "This is certainly the illegal construction!" Guangzhou Steel

This is certainly not illegal construction, but the ongoing steel construction, the building also for the domestic high-rise, high-rise steel construction industry has set a technical benchmark. Subsequent years, steel was used in the construction of various landmark. Not long ago, when Li Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting proposed to carry out a pilot steel construction, expand the use of green building materials and the like. Right now, the country's largest steel green area of ​​affordable housing - Qianjiang Century City Talent special space will be completed soon. Yesterday, the high-spirited, he said: The times are changing, the construction industry is also innovative, steel green residential time has come.

With "Chopsticks"

Like building blocks building

What is green building? Here it is summarized as follows: in the construction of the whole life cycle to maximize resource conservation, environmental protection and reduce pollution, provide people with health, application and efficient use of space. "Simply put, that is the final completion of the clear blue skies returned, the green back to the earth, back to clear the river."

Soon to be completed Qianjiang Century City talent special space, the construction area of ​​about 660,000 square meters, it is by far the country's largest steel green affordable housing. Recently, the reporter went to the site. Moment into the construction site, overturned my understanding of the construction industry: here faceless concrete mixing workers, not the roar of machine noise, surrounded by blocks of buildings has not been capped, can clear to see the whole of the load-bearing steel wall. More surprising is that wearing shoes walk around the site, a little dust on shoes Jingmei infection.

"In addition to 80% of the construction material steel, construction waste 60% less, prefabricated construction site is also able to cut 80 percent of the noise, dust, sewage." Introduction, if you want to come up with a template of a future system of steel structure housing, money Jiang Century City talent special space project should be to break the existing residential systems.

And this break from Hangxiao third generation "steel beam" technology. "In simple terms, making this house is similar to building blocks, and these 'building blocks' are used like 'chopsticks' like 'steel beams' assembled." Building 11, pointed to the construction site, said the 32-storey The construction took only 60 days to end the top of the.

It is understood that the world's leading, "steel beam" construction system has been patented in over 110 countries worldwide. Guangzhou Steel

Steel construction

To maximize the reduction of construction waste

Construction time is short because it uses steel forming wall, the wall not only with the construction of the functional requirements of a flexible arrangement, but also give full play to the high degree of industrialization and steel production, construction speed characteristics, to meet the reduced labor intensity, shorten the construction period , increased use of space, energy conservation and other requirements.

"We first produced 'steel beams', and then tailor the project, we want it to be assembled into a 'building block'. As a result, we were able to increase the build speed doubles, saving two-thirds of the human input. "Said, theoretically speaking, the earthquake can not make steel construction collapsed.

In addition to convenient and flexible when used short, this technology better place, or it can maximize the reduction of construction waste.

Our country is the greatest country in the world last year the amount of new construction at present, the annual two billion square meters of new area consumes 40 percent of the world's cement and steel, but also produce up to 400 million tons of construction waste. 400 million tons is the concept? Able to fill 11 West, heap 11 Diaoyu Islands.

"Most of the city's construction waste to be transported to a designated only a very small part of the consumptive places, environmental pollution generated more waste can not be underestimated." Said, according to statistics, more than 80 percent of construction waste composition of waste concrete, waste brick waste mortar and other construction material, because of its non-degradable, where landfill as a foundation can not be used. More worrying that a large number of construction waste caused severe environmental pollution in the removal and stacking process, the vast majority of construction waste use open dumps or landfill manner, because it is rich in heavy metals, harmful radioactive substances, severe surface corrosion, pollution of surface water.

More common future construction

Also "Steel"

Speaking of steel construction, many people may think of the Beijing Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest", "Water Cube", which applied to ordinary residence in very rare. "But in the future, we need the construction industry must be green, healthy and sustainable." He said.

As a member of the CPPCC Hangzhou, almost every year to submit the proposal to the Government to promote steel construction in Hangzhou, the Hangzhou government proposal finally obtained highly attention. 2013, Hangzhou introduced the "13 major industrial innovation and development of steel and other three-year action plan," the steel classified and e-commerce and new energy industry focus on the development of equal status. Newspaper last year, "about to seize the opportunity to create the national industrialization and modernization exemplary urban residential advocate" has also been approved by the government of Hangzhou: Next, Hangzhou will continue to vigorously promote the construction of new industrialization demonstration base, the follow-up of the Viaduct construction in Hangzhou It may also be inclined to the steel.

"Cabbage price" steel prices, is also an important factor pushed the steel structure housing industrialization. "At present, China's steel production accounted for 45.5% of world steel production, first in the world for 18 consecutive years, if the steel used in the construction industry, the plight of countries to decide steel overcapacity." Said the steel industry is not only a modern "Food" or of a national long-term strategic reserve industry, for the benefit of future generations.

Complete private custom

So that every household can not the same

"Now the popular private custom, steel housing can be done every household is different." Said, because the construction of four load-bearing steel structure, floor and roof are made of detachable or welded Jharkhand prefabricated equipment, in addition to load-bearing walls, the other walls are free to demolition, natural space free combination is completed. Guangzhou Steel

"Compared to traditional concrete structure steel structure housing, because the load-bearing ability to highlight every 10,000 square meters capable of an extra 500 square meters of usable area, with a total residential room rate can be increased by about 5%." Introduction, interior and exterior Prefabricated CCA board grout wall using 100% free of asbestos, formaldehyde and other harmful substances, with lightweight, high strength, waterproof, fireproof, thermal insulation of technical advantages.

"Take back the construction industry, the land back to agriculture, the earth back to future generations." In the eyes of steel green building system meets the green, low carbon, environmental protection, energy, conservation, recycling and sustainable development requirements , the traditional construction industry into the field of industrial modernization, so that green building into the new era. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號