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Advantages Guangzhou Guangzhou Steel Introduction

Time:[2015-6-24]  Hits:4398

Advantages Guangzhou Guangzhou Steel Introduction

Guangzhou Steel introduces advantage
And construction compared to other materials, Guangzhou Steel has the following features:
First, the Guangzhou Steel and light weight
Guangzhou Steel bulk density, although large, single compared with other construction materials, its intensity was much higher, so that when subjected to load and conditions are the same, other than the construction of Guangzhou steel light, easy to transport and install, and across a greater span.
Second, good ductility and toughness of steel
Plastic, making Guangzhou Steel is generally not due to accidental overloading or partial overloading sudden rupture damage. Toughness is good, then the Guangzhou Steel adaptability to dynamic loads. These properties of steel Guangzhou Steel provides a safe and reliable fully guaranteed.
Third, the steel bit nearer to the homogeneous and isotropic body
The internal organization of the steel uniform contrast, very near to homogeneous and isotropic body, in a certain stress amplitude is almost entirely elastic. Performance and mechanical calculation of these assumptions comparison fit, so the results are relatively fit Guangzhou Steel actual stress situation.
Fourth, Guangzhou steel manufacturing is simple, easy to use industrial production, construction and installation period is short
Guangzhou Steel profiles composed by a variety of simple production. Guangzhou, a large number of steel are manufactured in specialized factory in metal construction; accuracy. Made member transported to the site assembly with bolts and light structure, it is convenient construction, short construction period. In addition, Guangzhou has built steel is also easy to disassemble, reinforcement or transformation.
Fifth, the Guangzhou Steel's tightness
Guangzhou Steel airtight and watertight better.
Sixth, Guangzhou Steel's heat resistance, but poor fire performance
Steel heat instead of high temperatures. As the temperature increases, the strength is lowered. When there is around the radiant heat, temperatures above 150 degrees, measures should be taken shelter. If the event of fire when constructed temperature reaches 500 degrees, it could all instantaneous collapsing. To improve the Guangzhou Steel fire rating, usually concrete or brick it wrapped up.
Seven steel easy to corrosion, should take protective measures
Steel in wet conditions, especially in corrosive media environments simple rust, must paint brush or galvanized, and also regular maintenance during use.
Guangzhou Steel Compared with other configurations, the use of function, design, construction, and summed up the economy have an advantage, application Guangzhou Steel advantages in residential construction is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
First, the construction of Guangzhou steel housing than conventional construction to better meet the large bay flexible separate request, and by reducing the cross-sectional area of ​​the column and the use of light panels, improve area utilization rate, the effective use of the area increased by about indoor 6%.
Second, energy-saving effect is good, standardized prefabricated wall panels using light saving alternative clay, good insulation properties, saving 50% per square meter per household can save heating costs 18 yuan enjoy the cool air.
Third, the Guangzhou Steel systems used in residential construction can take advantage of Guangzhou good ductility of steel, severe plastic deformation, with excellent wind seismic performance, greatly improving the safety and reliability of residence. In particular, in the event of an earthquake, typhoon disaster case, it is possible to avoid the construction material collapses damage. As 95 years of Japan's Kobe earthquake, the earthquake in Taiwan 99 years not collapse destroyed almost all of H-beam steel construction was produced in Guangzhou.
Fourth, the construction of the total weight of the light, Guangzhou steel housing, light weight, about half of the concrete structure, can greatly reduce the cost base.
Fifth, the construction speed, duration shorter than the minimum one-third of traditional housing system, thus reducing the cost of induction, induction costs reduced by 5% ^. Accelerate cash flow, greatly improve investment returns.
Sixth, good environmental protection. Guangzhou Steel greatly reduced residential construction sand, stone, gray amount of materials used are mainly green, recyclable or biodegradable materials, in the construction was removed, most of the material can be regenerated or degradation, will not cause a lot of garbage .
Seven, with high performance and low cost.
Eight, architectural style flexible, abundance. Large bay design, the indoor space is divided more planned to meet the user's needs are not the same.
Nine, fit the housing industry and the sustainable development of the request. Guangzhou Steel plant suitable for mass production, a high degree of industrialization, and is capable of saving, waterproofing, insulation, windows and doors and other advanced set in one of the finished products, complete sets of applications, will design, manufacture, construction integration, improve the level of the housing industry.
In summary, the Guangzhou Steel is suitable for innovative residential construction system. Guangzhou Steel may aesthetics is not the same as people, not the same as using a feature request, a variety of exterior design of the new room type, size and space. Manufacturers can precision, high-quality, high speed complete, the construction was to achieve both aesthetic and economy.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號