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Restructuring of Hebei with local environmental standards and strict constraints to accelerate steel

Time:[2015-4-11]  Hits:4516

Restructuring of Hebei with local environmental standards and strict constraints to accelerate steel

 9, Hebei Province, Department of Environmental Protection held a special publicize and implement the "iron and steel industry air pollutant emission standards" and 5 standard press conference, Hebei Province, deputy director of environmental protection authority issued Lvzhu Qing done. By enacting strict focus on local environmental standards to accelerate industrial restructuring, promote reform and improve the appearance of the countryside.

Hebei iron and steel, cement and flat glass production province, steel, cement manufacturing flat glass is an important leading industry in the province, occupies a pivotal economic and social development in the province in an important position. These pillar industries play an important role in economic and social development in Hebei Province, but due to the high energy consumption, high pollution, the Hebei provincial government was included in the "four battle", as a key industry pollution control.

"Steel Industrial Air Pollutant Emission Standards" "cement industrial air pollutant emission standards", "glass industry air pollutant emission standards", "coal-fired boiler NOx emissions standards," "rural sewage discharge standards" 5 criteria on February 15, 2015 by the Environmental Protection Department of Hebei Province, Hebei Province Bureau of Quality Supervision jointly issued and officially implemented starting from March 1, 2015.

"Steel industrial air pollutant emission standards" will focus on control of the city increased to six (Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Baoding, Langfang, Xingtai, Handan), and in particular with reference to the national standard index value of emission limits, set Hebei Steel industry standard limits emissions of air pollutants, some of the indicators of the value of the limits more stringent than the national standards, in particular emission limits. For example sintering nose, pellet roasting equipment SO2 emission limits in particular, the national standard is 180mg / m3, Hebei standard 160mg / m3. At the same time, receive strict emission standards for major pollutants sintering, pelletizing, iron and other processes are made more stringent standards limits.

"Flat Glass Industry air pollutant emission standards" and "cement industry air pollutant emission standards" are first formulated in Hebei. Among them, the "cement industrial air pollutant emission standards" to determine the pollution control targets, with reference to international standards and in accordance with the actual situation in sub-time execution of Hebei Province. "Coal-fired boiler NOx emissions standards" developed and implemented to make up for the use of coal-fired boilers now and July 1, 2016 the lack of nitrogen oxide emission limits blank.

In addition to five criteria, Lvzhu Qing talked about with the implementation of "agricultural sewage discharge standards" promote the upgrading of the rural landscape. Hebei is a major agricultural province, the province's agricultural population of 50 million, each year a large amount of agricultural areas sewage to the environment caused tremendous pressure, but also pose a threat to the rural landscape and water safety. To this end, Hebei developed a "rural sewage discharge standards," the rural sewage into the urban sewage treatment plant for centralized processing, and for the main source of rural sewage, water quality characteristics, identified 11 main control targets and limits.

Lvzhu Qing said the introduction of the five criteria, Hebei Province, focusing on the promotion of industrial pollution control, energy conservation, to promote key industrial structure adjustment and structural reform and improve fuel, and for the regulation and supervision of rural water environment has important strategic significance.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號