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Growth of steel industry in the public parking lots

Time:[2015-2-28]  Hits:4730

Growth of steel industry in the public parking lots

The second half of 2014, Dalian Railway Station North Square dimensional mechanical parking project was started, kicked off in Dalian large public parking lots construction.

An urban parking facilities planning and construction, upgrading of the national strategy

With the supply and demand of urban transport resources become increasingly prominent, the parking problem has become increasingly prominent. To effectively promote the construction and management of parking, 2010, Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Public Security and Reform Commission jointly issued "Guidance urban parking facilities planning and construction and management" (built in the city of [2010] No. 74), our analysis of the current prevalent causes of urban traffic congestion and parking problems difficult and serious consequences for urban parking facilities planning, construction and management of a guidance to strengthen urban planning and construction and management of parking facilities, increased to " implement the scientific concept of development, the implementation of energy conservation strategy, the rational allocation of urban land resources and science to guide the development of the car, a necessary requirement to promote sustainable urban development, "the strategic level to understand. To further clarify the views of "full use of underground space resources, to promote the construction and management of three-dimensional parking facilities should actively rely on scientific and technological progress, with the actual demand for the promotion of small footprint, low cost, quick construction of mechanical parking facilities, increase parking promote the use of new technologies to improve the efficiency of land use. "The opinion request, more than one million urban population and the city should be prepared before the end of 2010 the city parking special planning, one million urban population in the following cities should be prepared to complete the city before the end of 2011 Parking special plan.

In 2009, the Dalian Municipal Council issued "on the investment and construction of public parking (garage) give notice of preferential policies." In recent years, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Nanchang, Wuhan, Chongqing and other cities have been introduced to support and encourage policies, including the costs of municipal public facilities, planning reported that construction costs, operating income and other fees and charges policy to give relief in the parking lot grant funds, commercial operations, and other aspects of land concessions.

Second, the city is facing a motor vehicle "go" and "stop" test

It is understood that Dalian vehicle fleet at an annual amount of nearly 200,000 increments, on the other hand is a serious shortage of parking spaces. With the rapid growth of vehicle population, the city will face a "go" and "stop" two aspects of the test. Vehicles parked on the sidewalk, pedestrians walking on the carriageway of chaos, has already been fixed in people's vision, which caused frequent accidents. Traffic pressure on the city is gradually transformed from dynamic to static, "parking is difficult," has become a public nature of urban development problems, consider the ability of "social governance".

Currently, there is a parking lot in downtown Dalian construction following three main issues: First, a small number of parking; the second is the overall size of a small car park; three parking building layout is not balanced, a serious shortage of the central business district, commercial parking . Therefore, in recent years, Dalian has taken a series of measures to accelerate the car park building, strengthening parking management to solve the parking problem, established the three principles of building parking lot: First, the market-oriented operation, construction and management of the combination; two New construction is to fully meet the parking needs no debts, debts every year to solve the old district requirements; three are built with construction of the main parking lot, public parking building supplement related facilities, increase business district, commercial public parking lot construction.

Third, the development of parking lots

Mid-20th century, parking in a foreign country has emerged for double parking equipment for home use, a parking area on the park two cars, the use of residential space built two to four layers lifting and transferring parking equipment, parking area utilization increased 2 to 4 times. Commercial and residential areas built for the city center and use the parking floor parking tower, parking per unit area is further reduced, the use of the square, the building following the construction of the underground parking garage space, does not occupy floor space.

Since the late 1970s onwards, the rapid development of the world economy, the increasing popularity of the car, increasing ownership, making little land, cars and more countries, regions and actively carry out the research and development of mechanical parking technology manufacturing applications. Studies in Japan, the United States, Germany and other developed countries represented in the parking technology field is a world leader, South Korea and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions parking industry is through the introduction, digestion, absorption, has been rapid development, better parking is difficult to solve the region and begin output outward technologies and products.

Currently, parking technology has been included in the field of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, optical, magnetic, and advanced computer technology and other sophisticated technology. Steel use of a new high-quality steel, both to improve the strength and stiffness of the equipment, and also allows the device light and beautiful, set cars galvanized plate using a molding board assembly, beautiful, tough and durable. In terms of control technology, widely used in programmable logic controllers and VVVF closed loop vector control technology, the high-speed run smoothly, save electricity, vibration and noise tends to be minimal. There are forms of control, push-button, key type, IC card, keypad, touch screen, remote-control and so on. Security originals using a variety of raster display, photoelectric cells, mechanical limit switch, magnetic proximity switches. Improving safety devices, such as car out sound and light guiding and positioning, vehicle size and weight of the automatic identification, protection and multi-speed interlock mechanism, parking automatic tracking, rope length-of-range alarm button and elastic deformation of the automatic compensation, automobile photography Comparative safety testing, automatic fire extinguishing.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號