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Foshan Steel: retrofitting old elevator is still very difficult

Time:[2014-12-20]  Hits:4901

Foshan Steel: retrofitting old elevator is still very difficult


Chahar Road 16 nuclear engineering guihuayuan 9 yesterday finally completed the installation of the elevator construction, the residents of this building is very happy. To this day, they run around a full three years.

In the 1980s and 1990s until the beginning of this century, the building housing the 7th floor is the city's workers and early commercial "hero." 7 layers, also happens to be no limit to the mandatory installation of the elevator floor.

It is part of the city property management statistics, such buildings in the city around 8000. Year stay, the owners are mostly employees of enterprises and institutions, and now they are over 60. In order to solve the practical problem of these residents' pension last year in June, "Nanjing Existing Residential Elevator additional provisional methods" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Methods") release, but over the past year and a half ago, according to this method is only successful installation of an elevator nuclear Engineering guihuayuan 9 of this building.

Retrofitting old elevator, "ice-breaking" process full of hardships, but after the "ice-breaking", still facing a laundry list of problems.

        1 hour, like building blocks, ready for lift

A site

Located on the 16th Chahar Road Nuclear Engineering guihuayuan This is the nuclear industry in Nanjing's family area, 1999 to enable, through housing reform, property has been owned by the owner. 9 located in the middle area, and the stairwell very spacious, it also brought to the installation of an elevator lunch conditions.

Yesterday, 9:00, cranes moved into the nuclear engineering guihuayuan, to 10 o'clock, nine completed the installation of an elevator hoisting. 7-story elevator consists of four separate box. The first box contains the elevator box, to be installed in the pit, the longest, the other three cabinet base up like building blocks. Plug from the elevator shaft and elevator lift constituted part of the elevator shaft in this windowless walls, stairs, windows were transformed into "entry door" of the elevator car, this way, the building will not light affected.

Pit of the elevator shaft has been dug in the early weeks ago, looks like a hole dug in the ground so simple, it is not true, because there are all kinds of underground lines as well as septic tanks, sewers, etc., the light on the migration of these pipelines need to contact multiple parts.

9 total 21 people, in addition to the owner during two near to retirement age, others are retired workers. It was also thought that there is an elevator for a house, but a house prices are too high; and secondly to have lived here for decades, are reluctant to "move house." So when 66-year-old owner Zhoufu Yun offered to install the elevator, got our common response.

According to reports, the installation of an elevator budget $ 600,000 from nine of the 21 families sharing, 1st and 2nd floor tenants do not pay, the higher the floor, the higher the share allocation.

"In the New Year's rush before the elevator installed really good, and finally let us in the new year and lived a life of a lift." Yesterday morning in the elevator installation site, Zhoufu Yun very happy, "such a long time, so I spent this effort to raise more than anything else, because after seeing some old folks stroke, can not take the stairs in a wheelchair, only a day lying on the balcony looking down. I told them that, while I still run move, must take elevator installed, let us live with ease comfortable old age. "

        "Interim Methods" published more than a year, the success of the installation needs to be crossed numerous "outposts"

        High cost, neither financial assistance nor can the underlying tenants difficult to coordinate maintenance fund, according to the lack of scientific compensation
B difficulties

1. formalities storm off -

Ran countless number of parts, complicated procedures prohibitive

Zhoufu Yun said: "The work of 30 years, did not like it so hard for three years, basically every day to go out on a snubbed." In order to install this elevator, a copy of the file on the light installed five hand carry bags. "To be honest, the original of which would have thought would be so annoying!" Speaking of three years of hard "checkpoints" road Zhoufu Yun opened the Round Table:

2010 I have seen the installation of an elevator station Garden City News, went to the scene looked back and neighbors after a discussion, we are faced with the problem of old age, and soon agreed stereotypes, ready to install an elevator.

Let's start at the end of 2011 to prepare the request, and asked to go to the community, the community heard to say these things, you can go to the streets to ask, said street to ask District Urban Construction Bureau of it, the District Urban Construction Bureau said that this thing will have to ask the planning, area planning The Bureau says the district does not have permission, the installation of elevators have been approved by the City Planning Bureau.

That is such a preparatory work "Prelude", we spent a year and a half. To June 2013, staff of the Planning Board, said there is a good news, the municipal government of a "provisional methods Existing Residential additional elevator", I thought to come by legalistic, accomplishing soon found more trouble the program is still behind.

First Notary link to each owner on behalf of all present, there is an owner does not agree or do not have time not work. After finally completed, the puzzle again. Planning Board also needs to carry all of the owners of real estate license and ID window to planning approval formalities. Later, the city housing construction, planning and other parts of the coordination meeting was held, two-thirds of the owners agree to settle can handle. Fortunately, there is a Director of the Planning Board led to my home site office, neighbors took the documents one by one to verify.

According to the provisional method, we must supply to the Planning Board elevator design contracts, construction contracts, purchasing co-equal, but the signing of these contracts demand advance payment, if we paid the money, not any approval by, it would be played hydroplaning. Later still my money since a pad.

In addition, the request material also needs the fire part of the rehabilitation programs stereotypes, but fire department said there was no precedent, I do not know how to do. Fortunately, we did not occupy the basement pit space, or need to record air defense section. Before the elevator installation, but also inform the construction quality supervision section apply to the statutory qualifications for special equipment inspection and testing institutions supervision, inspection declaration.

After all the materials are complete, well behind the very thing. July 8 we got the approval of the Planning Board, the August 19 trial plan by October 8 beginning construction elevator pit. Of course, the elevators installed, but also to housing construction, fire and other parts of the request completed inspection record.

2. The cost of the storm off -

High cost, neither financial assistance nor can the maintenance fund

Nuclear Engineering guihuayuan 9 installation of elevators invested 60 million yuan, because of its "ice-breaking" work in the advertising value, so the elevator manufacturers and construction side gave them the best price, according to the market price, the actual will invest at least 20% higher. Not repair, maintenance costs, the average household disposable delivery need 45 million.

In recent years, the city has increased the intensity of the transformation of the old district, for example, on the district finance new investment has been going on for years, the current old district of more than 20,000 square meters has been basically completed the new; the old district of the city also more than 400 have been performed elevator renovation grants and government funding 60 percent, the district government funded 30%, 10% of the owners. While the old elevator installation, financial investment and subsidies which have been a blank.

In addition, the "Interim Methods" made clear, because the addition of an elevator and the building area shall not handle the increased ownership registration; additional costs are also allowed to use the elevator residential special maintenance funds.

Municipal Construction Committee, said the relevant section, there is no current financial assistance for the installation of elevators plan. In Xiamen, the old buildings to install elevators will receive 50% of government financial assistance. There are owners of the city, the old district to install the lift is not also be a reference, given the appropriate financial assistance? It is understood that, in the interim method Guangzhou old installation of the elevator on the 2011 introduction of clear, can request the use of special maintenance fund under the name of the house owner.

3. neighborhood problems off -

Underlying tenants difficult coordination, lack of scientific compensation according to

In Whampoa Garden, part owner of a building in order to install an elevator has been trying for several years, "stuck" on the first floor of the households that did not agree that the building is suitable for the installation of an elevator building on the north side of the place, the kitchen windows around, if you installed the elevator on the first floor of the kitchen light people will be affected.

Old residential elevator installation is not like the old elevator renovation as a single line, by floor space, structure and owners stereotypes multiple constraints. "Interim Methods" clear influence of adjacent property owners an additional lift ventilation, lighting, sunlight, access rights, etc., by the person making the request must reach the affected owners and negotiate a common stereotypes, but also the formation of a written agreement, and by the notary public. This requirement is to fully respect the rights of the owners, but also in order to avoid conflict in the future.

"The old residential elevator installation of the biggest challenges is to obtain consent of the owners. Some residential installation of an elevator's motion requesting the program has not yet entered a miscarriage. Some owners worried because after the installation of block sunlight and ventilation and strongly disagreed, either because the costs can not be consistent, because the ground floor there is a second floor is commercial, residential above the third floor, the owners of a complex and difficult to reach an agreement. "the city made a transformation consulted elevator company, is currently also the lack of satisfaction on the first floor of the households science estimates.

In this regard, there are property management experts, able to consider a variety of negotiation to make the underlying tenants get compensation, such as the expansion of the space elevator, reserved for tenants of private space on the first floor; upstairs tenants can pay more, to a floor tenants economic compensation.

The picture shows the installation of an elevator in the show Zhoufu Yun material? Newspaper reporter Xu Qishe

        The introduction of a formal method to optimize the requestor

C initiatives

"Every day received a phone call asking to install an elevator thing, is now ready to request or request more than 100 buildings." City Property Management Office staff.

According to reports, the city currently has 8000 old house, during qualifying hardware around 3000, just before the current interim method was successfully introduced to complete the installation of the elevator station Garden City 16, and now nuclear engineering guihuayuan 9 .

How to make those qualifying residential retrofitting old road to go lift some light? City Property Management Office introduced, they are collected by the "Interim Methods" implementation problems encountered in the process, be amended in the forthcoming formal methods. For example, the ability to link design review early in the beginning of the owners request on field trips, so the owners pay a lot of energy and advance funds after the discovery of the hardware conditions are not met; also consider other procedures will be simplified notary; and the introduction of more serve guiding rules to encourage the development agency, eliminating the need to run around the requestor toil.

        The elevator is important hardware home care, the government should give more guidance and serve

D claims

Professor who has studied the construction and real estate, Southeast University, doctoral tutor Zhang Jiankun of housing security and home care. His research is currently being chaired the National Social Science Fund Project, which is the study of the community home-based care system.

He said, how to make the elderly at home comfortably enjoy their later years Yi, is to deal with the key issues of aging. Detailed installation of an elevator to the old problem of residential elevator is important hardware home care facilities, government section should serve to guide and worth studying. Government finances should be put on the old-age home hardware skew, but not generalized, but should pay attention to efficiency and social justice. What kind of house can get grants, how many grants, subsidies and more long-term, should have a detailed plan. In addition, part of the Government should give more guidance to serve, such as the installation of what kind of lift, can accommodate stretcher.

Home care is not only a government thing, but also means a lot of opportunities. Zhang Jiankun said the design, construction, consulting firm and an elevator manufacturers to seize the "home care" the selling point, the introduction of innovation marketing and service of patterns, such as how to get the owners to reduce the one-time investment, and how the introduction of more land, housing all structure smaller products, while demand reduction guide owners responsible.

         How to encourage the installation of an elevator in the field of old buildings

E News Links

Xiamen: 2011 introduction of the policy, clear the old residential elevator installation, financial subsidies by 50%. On Xiamen City Construction Bureau website concerning the installation of old residential elevator topic, financial subsidies request form, the installation of the lift instruction manual, between different floors funded (compensation) share guidance stereotypes and other policies and serve information is complete . In addition, part of the construction work has been refined to expose the steel supply stairwell design standard atlas, owners can request the installation of an elevator direct reference to generic diagram construction.

Guangzhou: the old district in 2012 began to implement a method to install an elevator, currently being developed, "Existing Residential Elevator raising additional reference standard cost-sharing", 7-10 storey old building can be found in the corresponding funding allocation criteria. Data and mathematical models calculate the critical points, sharing the elevator installation costs and compensate for the lower cost of household floors above needs, and critical point (including the critical point) below the floor, will receive compensation costs.

Fuzhou: administrative center set up specifically to serve the window, for the supply of old buildings to install elevators approval "one-stop" service of, the applicant need to submit the required materials to the window, you can handle eight working days end.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號