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Discussion: construction quality fireproof paint

Time:[2014-12-10]  Hits:4789

Discussion: construction quality fireproof paint

Construction Notes (a) fireproof paint

1, the substrate surface cleaning fireproof paint should serve as a rigorous inspection process. Remove dust, iron, rust, grease, and other substances hinder adhesion and good anti-rust treatment of the substrate. Fireproof coatings and surface coating layer should be a corresponding support, not rust primer steel.

2, fireproof paint spray paint to master consistency, mouth spray distance and grab components and injection pressure when the air compressor. MAIN OUTCOME construction, construction parameters described splashed thing more unreasonable and should be adjusted. Content is not too much paint thinner, otherwise it will reduce the viscosity of the normal construction paint, paint can not be attached to the steel surface.

   3, fireproof spray protection by trained and professionally qualified construction team construction corresponding construction quality. Strict construction program based on engineering and other features and product selection. Physical and chemical properties of the coating in accordance with engineering works required before the required proportion for sampling. Intumescent fire retardant coating for construction should be selected in different parts of the test foaming properties.

4, after the completion of the project can not only measure the thickness of the coating should also be visually detected by coating color coating and crack and leak case, with 0.75 ~ 1kg hammer to tap the coating detected intensity, etc., with 1m ruler detection coating flatness. Coating should be smooth, no significant depression, firmly bonded, no powder, loose and floating pulp, mastoid has been removed, seamless coating, from powder, obvious cracks.

5, in the coating application process, you must forward again after drying and curing the coating base, again after re-construction. Protection coatings, construction passes and the protective layer thickness should be determined in accordance with the requirements of the construction design, each pass coating thickness should be moderate, not too thick or roll evenly, so as not to affect the quality of the coating. Conducted in strict accordance with the coating process, in order to avoid rush period and to building a security risk.

6, the coating thickness should meet the design value, it should be made thicker parts processing node. Spraying site requirements, component surface treatment, filling seams, paint preparation, spraying passes, such as quality control and inspection, shall comply with existing national "fireproof coatings technical specifications" (CECS24) the required standards. The coating thickness should side edge construction inspection (measured by thickness). If the crack width coating widespread and large, research and analysis process should be correct, paint mixing ratio is reasonable.

(B) construction quality fireproof coatings main problem

Fire-resistant coating is formed by coating application engineering staff at the surface of steel components, to complete the whole process of fireproof coatings. Construction is fireproof paint fireproof paint secondary production process, if improper construction can also affect the quality of fireproof coatings project. Construction of the main problems,

1, ignoring the substrate surface cleaning, fire retardant coatings affect performance.

2, the construction team does not have the appropriate construction quality, technical strength is not weak.

3, before construction is no scientific construction plan, the construction process can not be strictly in accordance with the technical standards of construction quality inspection.

4, the completion and acceptance of fire-resistant coating is only rely on visual inspection and coating thickness testing, lack of strict acceptance criteria and testing methods.

5, the pursuit of appearance and finish, polished coating or fire retardant paint coating outside brushing ordinary decorative coatings, resulting in the technical performance of the coating is not guaranteed.

(C) acceptance fireproof coatings

1, fireproof coatings inspection report should provide the following:

(1) the amount of purchase orders fireproof paint;

(2) fire retardant paint coating side edge construction inspection records;

(3) inspection and acceptance test items hidden project records;

(4) the completion of the report after the completion of the single and self-test report;

(5) the construction site inspection records and quality control during the construction of major issues deal with submissions;

The fire resistance test report (6) fire retardant coating national testing agencies and physical and chemical properties of the test report, fire department issued a production license supervision and production of the factory product certification.

2, fireproof coatings project must go through mediation before acceptance testing professional organizations

Fireproof coatings should also be included in the "building fire testing procedures", "building fire acceptance criteria" such as technical standards, all painted interior, front outer fireproof coatings construction completion and acceptance testing organizations must have an intermediary steel structure fire retardant coating detection qualified report.

Fireproof paint testing and acceptance is based mainly: GB14907-2002 "fireproof paint general technical conditions", GB50205-2002 "steel construction quality and acceptance", CECS24 "fireproof coatings application of technical specifications." Fireproof paint the fire resistance measurement method should determine the type of environment and under fire, such as by: petrochemical enterprises use fireproof coatings, its fire resistance test temperature curve should be measured hydrocarbon fire, it is more realistic .

Construction strengthen surveillance, observation and attention to the appearance of quality coating thickness checks and other construction quality inspection and found the problem immediately rectification; checks must pass rigorous testing after completion. In addition, research and technology development fireproof coatings are also expected to improve fire safety in a variety of physical and chemical properties and to seek a breakthrough performance, while supporting research fireproof coatings and coating durability of construction equipment, improve the level of construction technology, a clear coating updating and maintenance methods and cycles. So as to better improve the overall fire resistance fireproof coatings. After brushing fire retardant coating on steel, greatly improving the fire resistance of steel, but in fireproof coatings applications, there are improper coating selection, poor construction management, final acceptance, testing is not standardized, and many other issues seriously affect the quality fireproof coatings. Must pay attention to a reasonable selection of pre-construction products, determine the correct construction program.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號