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The most commonly used terms in the history of the whole building (and quickly Favorites bar)

Time:[2014-12-6]  Hits:4683

The most commonly used terms in the history of the whole building (and quickly Favorites bar)
First, building common noun
1. What is the volume rate?
A: The floor area ratio is the ratio of total floor area of the total land area. Generally expressed in decimals.
2. What is the building density?
A: The building density is the ratio of the area of the total land area of the total area of the base. Generally expressed as a percentage.
3. What is the rate of green (green rate)?
A: The green rate is the ratio of the total area of green projects and a total land area. Generally expressed as a percentage.
4. What is the sunshine spacing?
A: sunshine spacing is between the front and rear of two buildings, as determined in accordance with the requirements of sunshine hours away. Calculation of sunshine spacing, generally south direction solstice noon that day the windowsill above the housing bottom wall, can be based on the height of the sun shine.
5. What is the difference between the buildings and structures?
A: Where for people in which the production, living or housing or place other activities are called buildings such as apartments, factories, schools and so on; and people are not one of them produced or living building, then called the structures, such as chimneys, towers, bridges and so on.
6. What is building the "three timber"?
A: The building "three material" refers to steel, cement, wood.
7, construction and installation costs by which three parts?
A: The construction and installation costs by labor costs, material costs, machinery costs of three parts.
8. What is the unified modular system? What is the basic module, expand modulus, parting number?
A: (1) the so-called unified modular system is a set of basic rules in order to standardize the design and develop, so the size of the various divisions between different buildings harmonization, so that it has the versatility and interchangeability to speed up the design speed, improve construction efficiency and reduce cost.
(2) The basic modulus is the modulus of the selected basic dimensions coordination unit, represented by M, M = 100mm.
(3) expand the modulus is a modulus of export, its value as a multiple of the basic modulus. A total of six kinds of expanded modulus, respectively, 3M (300mm) 6M (600mm) 12M (1200mm) 15M (1500mm) 30M (3000mm) 60M (6000mm). Building a larger size, such as width and depth, span, column spacing, etc., should be a multiple of a modulus expand.
(4) sub-modulus is derived another modulus, its value for the sub-multiple of the basic modulus. Parting total number three, namely 1 / 10M (10mm) 1 / 5M (20mm) 1 / 2M (50mm). Building a smaller size, such as cracks, thickness of the wall, structure nodes, etc., should be a sub-multiple of the modulus.
9. What is the symbol size, structure size, actual size?
A: (1) is used to mark the size dimension between buildings positioning axes (width and depth) of the distance size, as well as products building materials, components, construction-related equipment location boundaries between. Sign dimensions shall conform to the modular system.
(2) the size of a building construction products, building components and parts of the design dimensions. Configured size of less than or greater than flag size. In general, the size of the structure plus the size of the gap reserved for the necessary support or minus sign dimension equal size.
(3) The actual size of the building products, construction components and parts have real size. The actual size of the difference between the size and structure should be allowed for the construction of a tolerance value.
10, what is the positioning axis?
A: Positioning axis is used to determine the location and size of the line mark the main building structure or component.
11. What is the horizontal, vertical? What is the transverse axis, the longitudinal axis?
Answer: (a) transverse direction refers to the width of the building.
(2) the longitudinal direction, the longitudinal direction of the building means.
(3) disposed along the axis of the width direction is called the transverse axis of the building. Its numbering method using Arabic numerals written from left to right in the axis of the circle.
Axis (4) along the length direction of the building called the longitudinal axis. Its numbering from top to bottom using uppercase letters written in the axis of the circle (where the letters I, O, Z do not).
12. What is the house of the bay, into the deep?
A: The wide bay a house in the distance, and between the two transverse axis; depth refers to the depth of a house in the distance, and two longitudinal axis.
13. What is the story? What is the ceiling height?
A: The story refers to the height of the building between the layers, and the supremacy of the floor or on the ground floor or the ground floor height; headroom in height refers to the height of the room, and floor to ceiling under the skin
14. What is the total height of the building?
A: The total height of the building refers to the top of the outdoor terrace of the total height of the eaves.
15, what is the elevation? What is the absolute elevation, relative elevation?
A: The height of a part (1) of the building and to determine the reference point of water, known as the parts of the elevation.
(2) the absolute elevation known as altitude, mean sea level of the Yellow Sea near Qingdao as absolute zero elevation, the elevation of the country are as a benchmark.
(3) the relative elevation of the first floor is the main room of the building's interior surface is zero (+0.00), represents the first floor height from the ground somewhere.
16. What is the construction area, the use of space, the utilization rate? What is the transportation area, structure area?
A: (1) the construction of a building area of length, width, size of product outsourcing and multiplied the number of layers. It made use of the area, traffic area and structural composition area.
(2) use of an area refers to the main use of the room and auxiliary use the net area of the room (minus the net area of the axial dimension of the net proceeds thick and the size of the product).
(3) room rate, also known as usage, refers to the use of the area as a percentage of the construction area.
(4) The area is defined as the net area traffic corridors, stairwells, elevators and other transportation links between facilities.
(5) refers to the structure of the wall area, the area occupied by the column.
17, what is the red line?
A: The red line refers to the planning department granted to the construction unit of area, usually circled in red on the drawing, the force of law.
18, how to divide the building rating?
A: The rating is based on building endurance rating (useful life) and fire resistance rating (refractory life) were divided.
(1) Press the durability classification is divided into four levels: more than a durable life of 100 years; two, durable life of 50 to 100 years; three, durable life of 25 to 50 years; four, durable life of 15 years the following.
(2) according to fire resistance classification is divided into four levels: from one to four, to gradually reduce the fire resistance of the building.
19. What is the brick structure?
A: The vertical load-bearing member house using brick or brick columns, horizontal load-bearing elements of reinforced concrete floor, roof panels, brick structure called such a structure.
20. What is the framework?
A: The framework defined by the skeleton composed of pillars, longitudinal beams, horizontal beams, slabs, etc. as a load-bearing structure, the wall is the envelope.
21. What is the shear wall?
A: refers to the level of shear resistance within the framework of additional shear walls. Due to high-rise buildings to resist horizontal shear is mainly caused by an earthquake, it is also known as seismic shear walls.
22. What is the frame shear wall structure?
A: The frame shear wall structure refers to the vertical load shared by the frame and shear wall; horizontal loads from the frame to withstand 20% to 30%, 70% to shear bear 80% of the structure. Shear length per square meter of 50mm standard design.
23. What is the full shear wall structure?
A: The whole interior shear wall structure is the use of a building (or the interior and exterior) as a load-bearing skeleton to withstand the vertical load and horizontal load building structure.
24. What is the tube structure?
A: tubular structures by frame - shear wall structure from the full shear wall structure with a comprehensive evolution and development. Tube structure is dense column frame shear wall or centralized internal and external to the housing to form a closed cylinder space. It features a large shear focused and get free partition space, used for office buildings.
25. What is steel?
A: Steel is the main load-bearing structural components of a building made of steel. With light weight, high strength, good ductility, fast construction, shock resistance and good. Steel used for high-rise buildings, the higher the cost.
26, compared with brick and concrete structure, frame structure what advantages and disadvantages?
Advantages: (1) Light weight: weight brick structure of 1500 kg / m; frame structure such as the use of light board (aerated concrete wall, metal frame walls, etc.) of the weight of 400 kg to 600 kg / m , only 1/3 of the brick structure.
(2) The rooms are flexible: the load-bearing structure of the frame structure for the framework itself, siding only separated from the envelope and effect, and therefore more flexible arrangement.
(3) increasing the effective area: frame structure thinner wall than the brick and concrete structure, the relative increase in the housing area.
Disadvantages: (1) steel brick structure than about 30% higher, compared with the brick structure, the high cost.
(2) part of the column cross-sectional size is too large, protruding wall, beautiful affected.
27. What is the difference between the foundation and the foundation?
A: (1) the foundation is the basis of the following soil, its role is to bear the entire load of the foundation came.
(2) is based on building buried in the ground below the load-bearing components, is an important part of the building, its role is to bear the entire load of the building passed down, and these, together with the weight of the load transmitted to the soil below.
28. What is the basis of depth? What is the deep foundations, shallow foundations?
A: (1) foundation depth is measured from the floor to the outdoor design basis underside of the vertical distance.
(2) the depth is greater than or equal to 5 meters deep foundation called basis; depth between 0.5 meters to 5 meters foundation called shallow foundation. Foundation depth shallower than 0.5 m not.
29. What are the three basic structures can be classified in different ways?
A: (1) by the use of the material sub: can be divided into brick foundation, rubble foundation, concrete foundation, reinforced concrete foundation and so on.
(2) divided by tectonic forms: can be divided into independent foundation, strip foundation, well grid foundation, slab foundation, raft foundation, box foundation, pile foundation and so on.
(3) by the use of the mechanical characteristics of the material points: can be divided into rigid base and flexible foundation.
30. What is the vapor barrier?
A: In order to prevent moisture underground and surface water rises along the walls of the wall erosion, with waterproof material separates the lower part of the wall and the upper wall, the blocking layer is a vapor barrier. The general location of the vapor barrier under the first floor interior floor (+0.00) 60mm ~ 70mm Department, and elevation -0.06m ~ -0.07m place.
Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號