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Steel residence will become the steel industry growth

Time:[2014-9-20]  Hits:4742

Industry experts believe that followed the State Council's "green building action plan" in the country to get detailed fulfill in order to build the steel structure represented by the implementation of green construction intensified, bring on the construction of steel needed to add. This can not only resolve some steel mills chronic overcapacity, while the long term, but also provide a useful path for the national steel storage strategy. Foshan Steel

Data show that in 2013 China's crude steel output was 779 million tons, accounting for 48.5 percent of global output, quantity of steel produced from a single point of view, China's steel output started international steel output ranked first in the "throne", has been a veritable "Iron big country."

However, if the connection with "Iron power" to describe the current situation of China's steel industry, but also premature. Because China lacks high-quality iron ore, itself dependent on foreign imports, which resulted in a lack of bargaining power of steel prices in the international iron ore market. For a long time, the market price of iron ore shaken severe impact on China's steel enterprises production and business activities, while also restricting the right to carry out China's macro-economic strategy.

In this regard, industry experts believe, followed by the State Council "green building programs of action" around the detailed fulfillment, steel structure built to represent the implementation of green construction intensified, bringing needed for the construction of steel added, on the one hand, some steel prices defuse the chronic overcapacity, while the long term, but also provide a useful path for the national steel storage strategy.

Strategic storage should not be overlooked

As industrial production necessities, steel capital of the country is crucial. In Japan, the United States and other developed countries, the steel capital of the strategic storage of focus never let up too.

Japan, for example, in the construction of roads, workers will first lay a solid layer of quality steel in the roadbed, then perfusion asphalt pavement. This not only significantly increases the durability and safety of the road, but also regarded as a useful tool for the steel capital of the store, a lot of road construction, that is one of the large steel warehouse. In case of emergency, buried below the road surface can be directly used for engineering steel repairs, post-earthquake construction, and even military production.

In addition to steel storage by road, in many developed countries, "possession of steel in the construction of" strategic storage of knowledge has long been known. Statistics show that currently in the UK, 95% of steel construction built to get useful to recover steel (2714, -62.00, -2.23%), during which 10% through simple processing can be reused in the future, the other 85% through other means to recover the use of recycled again.

At present, China's new urbanization strategy followed by sustained intense manner, rigid shelter needs of the urban population will continue to usher in a new growth point, this is an outstanding opportunity to carry out. In this regard, Hsiao Zhejiang Hangzhou Steel Co., Ltd., one silver wood in an interview with reporters showed that steel shelter construction field as the most energy saving green building representatives, has many fit to carry out the strategy of sustainable features: establish a fast, open convenient, green and high recovery rate. In addition, because the seismic safety of steel construction, corrosion simply by regular maintenance, the construction of life for more than 80 years to reach the number, and therefore, the savings from the future to carry out the national strategy point of view, the "hidden steel in construction" should be good path.

Steel construction can act as a reservoir

Compared to developed countries, China scrap recovery in existing re-utilization, the technology is relatively backward, and then melted down scrap rate of less than 50%. Currently, along with rising crude steel production capacity, the total abandon of steel are rising, many scrap steel can not be handled properly, unhealthy production structure caused severe social capital spoil.

China Steel Metal Association, deputy director of the construction committee structure, chief engineer Fanghong Jiang Hangxiao thought, steel construction with the construction of a long life cycle, steel recovery rate up to 90% advantage, once can many built with steel construction will become "steel storage warehouse "potential.

Meanwhile, if able to build with Chinese steel construction and urbanization assurance residence combines many of the implementation of steel construction, which will become a huge repository of high-quality steel strategy.

In this regard, Fang Hongjiang proposal, should make full use of China's current foreign exchange reserves sufficient appreciation of the RMB positive environment, a lot of buying high-quality iron ore, smelting it into a modern industrial blood - high-quality steel, large-scale application in steel structure built as the representative of the new construction in the green, enhance utilization of abandoned steel back and play the advantages of steel construction "full life cycle", will be the key strategic path to complete the transformation and upgrading of the steel industry, the completion of "possession of steel in construction, possession of rich in China "strategic win undertaken.

Help national strategic capital Storage

In recent years, Chinese steel construction industry to carry out rapidly, especially along the acceleration of urbanization, inspired a new round residence rigidity needed for the implementation of steel shelter provides a solid foundation. China construction steel construction Metal Structure Association branch president of the party to defend the show:. "From the future to carry out trend, steel shelter is a major growth point in the future of the steel industry."

Home construction steel has industrialization, standardization and other characteristics, but also conducive to the completion of "possession of steel in construction," as long as the new urbanization vigorously promote the construction of steel shelter, shelter completed ahead of industrialized steel, complete base stacking, ability to build a successful "Iron coffers."

Chinese steel construction started late. "Steel and the United States, Japan and other developed countries over the construction of the share is higher than 50% compared to China's share of all steel construction built less than 10%, while foreign steel construction steel output value accounted for 10% ~ 30%, with an annual output of 700 million tons of steel computing China, 10% that is 70 million tons. However, China is now an annual construction volume was less than 30 million tons of steel, so follow further the country's economic reform and industrial optimization upstream and downstream steel prices steel Company to establish closer collaboration, enhance iron ore steel utilization, as well as the level of re-use abandoned steel back, and steel construction company together, can truly make "Steel construction strategies into national steel storage Treasury "to complete the dividends policy.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號