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Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab

Time:[2014-9-10]  Hits:4636

Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab

(Zhejiang) compressing the province more than 3 million tons of steel production capacity, capacity utilization improved to over 80%. "According to this year's introduction of Zhejiang Province" Zhejiang resolve overcapacity opposition plan ", Zhejiang sought through five years of efforts to control the production scale of existing overcapacity in steel and other industries, and the progress level of comprehensive utilization of resources. Reporters learned through interviews with industry believes that one effective way to deal with steel overcapacity is to build the steel structure and steel industry "holds together." Foshan steel
However, even though it seems in the industry, steel structure construction technology, research and development personnel are basically complete, and the advantages of green energy can be recycled also well recognized, but its conduct in the field of ordinary residence is still complacent. The reason, in addition to the concept difficult to convert than the lack of uniform national standards is one of the important reasons.
"All steel construction live many socio-economic environmental benefits, real estate developers do not value these benefits, he only care about the house to sell, to make money." Steel structure residence business unit general manager, Southeast grid Guo believes that the government can not change the hard wrist market behavior, but affordable home is the government's own investment, capable of resolution by the government to establish an accurate guide.
Calls steel industry overcapacity and steel structure built "holds together"
According to the China Steel Association released data show that as of the end of May 2013, 86 steel companies focus on statistics, there are 48 profit, 38 losses, the loss reached 44%, the average loss of 258 million yuan. Key statistics Total liabilities steel enterprises to break the 3 trillion yuan mark, asset-liability ratio reached a record 69.4 percent, to enter the high-risk business areas.
This situation spread to Zhejiang, Zhejiang Province Development and Reform Commission data show that in 2012, Zhejiang Province, the steel industry realized a total profit of 5.59 billion yuan, down 24.2 percent.
Zhejiang Province, the introduction of "Zhejiang defuse opposition embodiment of overcapacity," For in this compressed steel production capacity, improve resource utilization. Exercise to reduce iron and steel enterprises, promote Wenzhou, Lishui and other places and other measures to enhance the integration of the steel industry is to be burden.
One "tenth in 2013 less than the national steel industry profits Maotai, which is very funny." An effective way to construct homes in the steel business unit general manager, Southeast grid Guo seems to handle steel overcapacity is to construction of steel structures and steel industry "holds together."
This view has been the construction of Engineering College of Tongji University, Professor Li Guoqiang recognition, "steel structure built to carry on consuming steel production capacity now there is definitely a role, using the steel structure itself fit green."
Hangxiao chief engineer Fang Hongjiang the analysis, the construction of a nationwide steel structure design software, R & D team basically complete; many colleges and universities has steel construction professionals, talent pool and training system is basically complete.
The Zhejiang considerable advantage in terms of the steel structure to carry out the construction. It is understood that Zhejiang has Hangxiao, Seiko Steel, Southeast grid and a number of leading companies, many of them large listed companies. Among them, rub out the 2008 Beijing Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest" is just the skeleton enterprises in Zhejiang - Seiko Steel.
Green energy in the field of steel structure construction but difficult to show fist residence
Construction of Engineering, Zhejiang University, Professor Deng said, now have adopted many large construction steel structure, such as sports stadiums, theaters, convention centers, high-rise office buildings and so on. "But there is little to those of ordinary residence is constructed of steel."
However, a limited number of stadiums and other public facilities compared to the huge number of ordinary residence, if the introduction of the steel structure, which can consume a considerable amount of steel production capacity.
Furthermore, compared to conventional reinforced concrete construction, steel structure construction has many advantages. Hangxiao chief engineer Fanghong Jiang told reporters, steel structure built green, no site dust, or be able to reduce the haze of a force; less garbage production site, not exacerbate urban waste incremental burden; steel structure built after the end of the life cycle steel can be recycled, but only became a pile of concrete construction of most of the construction garbage; after industry, the steel in the factory processing is complete, the site only requires assembly, shorten the construction period.
However, the estimate for the cost of construction companies to make retreat think twice. Assistant General Manager of Zhejiang Jiangnan Project Management Co., Ltd. Zheng greatly respect, "(steel structure) is the capital of residents still in doubt, steel construction cost is too high." Appears in Zheng Dawei, steel structure residence in addition to the high cost of individual In addition, subsequent corrosion maintenance costs also need to spend huge sums of money.
Assistant General Manager of Zhejiang Continental Holdings 柴恩海 also expressed the same concerns about the cost, though, 柴恩海 also believes that "speaking from the perspective of conduct, the (steel structure residence) will certainly be implemented, reinforced concrete structure is too polluted, cycle too long. "
For cost, Zhejiang Province, the construction of the project cost terminus denominated chief Jiangbo think we attach importance to the higher capital cost of the steel structure residence, but ignored its residual value, "the construction of the steel structure is a strategic reserve, as well as 50 percent after the demolition about the residual rate, this account enumerated, there are many social value. "
Guo places instance refuted cost concerns. 2013, Qianjiang Century City talent Southeast grid built apartment, which is a steel structure built residence. Guo said, "duration shortened 350 days, the financial cost savings of approximately 50 million." In addition, the concrete cost reduction of 52.6%, less water and 40 percent of construction, 30 percent less electricity, wood consumption reduced 95%, 60% less garbage.
"Aboveground indeed much higher than 10%, but the underground part of the more than 20% cheaper direct cost basically (with the concrete structure) was flat."
Guo explained that the steel structure residence aboveground than traditional reinforced concrete shelter used more steel, capital increase. However, due to the small section of steel structural columns, light weight, span, increased by 16% the number of underground parking spaces, more than 600 parking spaces. Moreover, aboveground room rate increased 6 percent to 100 square meters, for example, more than a six square meters, equivalent to a room. Seismic performance also increased significantly.
In addition, Guo believes that everyone misunderstood steel structural steel exposed directly to the residence, in fact, early in the design, the use of epoxy zinc-rich primer, epoxy intermediate coat of iron, acrylic polyurethane topcoat AIDS and other anti-corrosion measures have been processed subsequent corrosion of steel structure residence life questions and doubts. In addition to the use of load-bearing steel structures, floors, walls and other lightweight composite materials used, whether in insulation, sound insulation, environmental protection and other aspects are also far more than concrete.
Progress identity of affordable homes to government guidance "eat crab"
Throughout today's construction market, particularly those of ordinary residents of residence, traditional reinforced concrete structures occupy most of the market. Steel construction industry has been winning residence difficult to implement.
Deng said it was an idea of doubt. "Is still a sense of identity, acceptance (progress) we built steel structure is a slow process."
Guo said that we touch more concrete that concrete is the most rugged, most reliable, understanding this concept very difficult to change. But Guo told reporters that the British invention of cement has begun to constraints on its use, as the country began to use restraint clay, he is convinced that "social progress step by step, reinforced concrete road is not sustainable."
Jiangbo it bluntly, companies implementing steel structure residence, resulting in a lot of corporate standards, but the lack of national standards. "The implementation of the slogan of the steel structure was built there, but there is no specific policy guidance, resulting in the implementation of the existence of the difficulty." Jiangbo said that as the cost department inductance shame, lack of policy support, the system does not do a detailed assessment of the cost of steel structure construction.
During the interview, whether it is steel enterprises are still the real estate group also, or experts, they all had approved the construction of the steel structure to carry out the inevitable trend, but now stand still in urgent need of government level support.
Guo believes that many things the government can not directly give money, but to have the guidance, guide and encourage developers to use the new build system, consumers buy green construction materials to give price concessions.
"All steel construction live many socio-economic environmental benefits, real estate developers do not value these benefits, he only care about the house to sell, to make money." Guo believes that the government can not change the market behavior hard wrist, but affordable home is the government's own investments can be resolution by the government, to establish an accurate guide.
"Developers are now afraid to use (steel structure residence), in addition to the interests concerned, but also worried about the first one to eat crab fishing, but less than the benefits, risks and if a lot of affordable housing are used, a very mature look, they also will actively try. "Guo said.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號