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I steel safety quantitative evaluation method established after the first fire

Time:[2014-8-9]  Hits:4548

I build a fire after the initial quantitative evaluation method of steel security

Recently, the Beijing Construction Engineering Institute's commitment to "identify damage after a fire steel and safety key technology research" project after project Beijing Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee arrangements for acceptance. Experts said that the project for the first time established a method to identify the extent of damage and injury Foshan Steel components criterion after the fire, and made a quantitative assessment of the safety of the method of steel components after metallurgical analysis to determine the temperature of the fire and fire method to fill blank steel structural damage and safety assessment to identify areas after the fire. Research identified overall reached the international advanced level, some reached the international advanced level.

The study determined that after a single component fire temperature, mechanical performance analysis, performance analysis and chemical analysis of microscopic arrangements recognize the damage to determine the level of component damage, along with the importance factor of each component is calculated based on quantitative assessment methods, and then derive the safety of the whole structure. Steel can be realized on the damaged condition after the fire, the structural safety of quantitative evaluation, its reinforcement to provide a scientific and reasonable reference.

In addition, the project developed based on the above evaluation method based on Android system after the fire load to the remaining steel and damage assessment software which can be installed on Android smart phone system, can be achieved at the fire scene on the data collected in real-time analysis , and damage to the remaining carrying steel structure after the fire situation for rapid assessment, on the one hand to improve the work efficiency, on the other hand can guide the technician to identify programs for timely adjustment and refinement, help to improve the accuracy of the assessment conclusions sex. Currently the software has made computer software copyrights.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號