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"Beautiful China" calls for green buildings

Time:[2014-7-16]  Hits:4770

"Beautiful country" calls for green construction

Building energy efficiency has become an irreversible trend in the world, and to carry out energy saving steel construction is the best choice. This is consistent from ACEF recent "structural steel construction and high-level forum of circular economy." It is understood that the current state is developing "energy province," the plan to carry out the construction, steel structure built to encourage and promote the "beautiful country" construction.

"Steel structure" for the energy and raw

Optional integrated housing construction steel structure system, compared with the traditional in-situ production methods in construction, labor can be reduced by 30%, saving the construction area of ​​50%, water 60%, saving 60% to 80% reduction in noise, construction site refuse to cut emissions by 80 per cent, more than 30% shorter duration. Therefore, the construction of the steel structure is worthy of "green construction."

What is a steel structure built? If not intend to conceptually understand, just look at the Beijing Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube", the new CCTV building, Shanghai universally center, you know the so-called steel structure construction, Foshan Steel that is a factory producing steel beams, steel columns for the skeleton, together with the construction of new lightweight, thermal insulation, high-strength materials, such as retaining walls built structure made ​​of.

"Steel structure construction and has many advantages compared to conventional construction." Our construction (601,668, stock it) metal construction branch of the Association of construction steel structures division vice president, said Hu Yu, residential construction, for example, a small section of steel construction, with traditional houses with increase the effective use of space than about 8 percent, space utilization, so there is significant progress. In the earthquake, since the steel structure of the steel tensile, compression, shear, bending can be more substantial, is stability, excellent ductility material, when there is earthquake, you can rely on to digest the elastic deformation of steel powerful forces, absorb seismic intensity. On resource utilization, 80% of the steel structure construction steel can be recycled, saving resources, but also to cut construction trash.

On an international exposition of modern construction industry, housing and Urban Ministry pointed to steel and concrete (concrete) will be the trend.

The expert also pointed out that the Ministry of Housing, the total carbon emissions, the carbon emissions of traditional construction industry accounted for almost 50 percent, far higher than the share of the transport and industrial sectors. In Europe, Australia and Japan, the local construction industry attaches great importance to carbon constraints and recycling economy, prefabricated steel structure housing has been carried out to a very sound period, accounting for over 40% of all residential construction.

Description forerunner of the successful experience of foreign countries, or the construction of residential steel construction, will break the real estate, construction, machinery equipped manufacturing, green construction, new building materials, disaster prevention and mitigation, the boundaries between industrial kitchen appliances and decoration, the collection becomes a new recycling industrial construction industrial system.

Over the years, China's steel construction and residential construction is ongoing, according to preliminary statistics, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Hubei, Inner Mongolia and other places have been developed or built steel structure housing beyond the 10 million square meters. Beijing Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest", "Water Cube", CCTV new building, Shanghai Center, a large number of world steel structure built with the world's advanced level, China has become the choice of steel structures for the construction of the main structure using a model of the project.

In addition, China's steel structure is also out of the country, to develop the international mall. Such as Shandong Huaxing Machinery Company manufacture steel structures, has been in India, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Kenya and other large construction materials in appearance, bear responsibility to support the construction of power facilities, plant construction, residential construction projects.

Positive shift of the mall

Link between man and the environment as a tool to build in order to become more low-carbon, energy-efficient, it is necessary more than the right, to stereotypes. However, over the years, traditional concrete construction pollution commonly used in the construction of the serious, great energy, recycling difficult. How to break this bottleneck conduct, an issue of concern to many people.

Statistics show that in China, the construction of more than 27% of total energy consumption, the annual urban construction of new housing construction area of nearly 20 million square meters, of which more than 80% of high-energy construction; while the steel structure represented by green energy construction, production process because of its high degree of industrialization, consumption of resources per square meter is about 800-1000 kg, only the traditional construction of energy consumption is 1/3, and 50% is a renewable resource. In this regard, Sun Xianhua have deep feelings.

That was in 1988, and partner 孫憲華 visit to Korea, he found that South Korea's construction of timber bridges and basic construction materials are steel, while more than 95 percent of the domestic structure is constructed of reinforced concrete and masonry construction, the main cause for this situation there are two reasons: First, China's traditional base is constructed of reinforced concrete structures in the construction industry to carry out long-term, the steel-concrete structure has been in a dominant position, industry resources and more concentrated here, in the short term is difficult to alter; Second steel construction company did not construction general contracting qualification, structural steel construction system standards, although the standard range, but the supporting technology to carry out imperfect, resulting in the construction of steel structure has not formed large-scale socialized production.

"At present, this situation is changing." Sun Xianhua introduction, then, China has ushered in the construction of the steel structure to carry out opportunity. First and foremost, the industrialized countries are strongly encouraged to carry out the construction, transformation and upgrading of the entire industry has been in full swing for the steel structure built to carry out a policy to provide support. Secondly, the new urbanization strategy for the construction of the steel structure provides a break to carry out the mouth. Again, the construction industry labor costs, rising production and the problems of environmental pollution factor prices has formed Forced mechanism, forcing the company to accelerate the construction of new industrial construction. Finally, the construction of the steel structure is an effective way to resolve China's steel overcapacity.

Sun Xianhua introduced last year in October, "State Department guidance on resolving serious excess capacity confrontation," released on steel overcapacity that "extend the effective domestic demand, a reasonable steel, progressive steel recycling capabilities to address the steel overcapacity problem" the main measures in detail the progress of the construction areas that are to be constructed using steel share, the proportion of steel construction progress.

With steel and concrete, has been accepted by more and more users, the number of new domestic construction steel production line. Just last month, the 26th, to invest 1.3 billion yuan, covers an area of ​​nearly 500 acres, designed annual capacity of 300,000 tons in North China's largest steel structure manufacturing base in Tianjin, officially put into operation. Obviously, with countries and companies to promote bi-product of steel, the future scope of super high-rise construction, industrial plants, sports stadiums, airport station house, bridges, and other overseas construction, steel use will flourish.

Emissions still need to "technical addition"

Accelerate the construction industry was the elimination of backward production capacity, speed up industrial restructuring, strengthening the EIA could assess constraints, help accelerate its new channels, adjust structure is formed in combination with the advantages of steady growth.

Rapid launch industry, spawned tens of thousands of steel structure fabrication and installation company, and Huaxing Machinery is in this context, relying on technology and commodities, the first in the country launched waves web steel structure.

Compared to conventional H-type steel, steel webs wave energy savings even more remarkable. In this regard, Shandong Satellite TV on June 9 in the "News Network" with headlines: Currently, the domestic steel industry, the construction of H-type widely used in the production of raw materials spoil the serious aspects of ubiquitous, high energy consumption of the state. Huaxing Machinery is located in Binzhou improve the technology. After three years of research, the company has successfully developed areas of the steel structure waves web initiative welding H-beam production line, the first in the country to promote green energy wave web steel construction.

"The extensive use of steel construction, very well, but we have to take this spring, with the scientific and technological means to build energy-efficient article homework to do." 孫憲華 said H-wave web as an upgrade of steel, saving than traditional equipment more than 30% of raw materials, annual savings of nine thousand tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide (emissions) 30,000 tons, 22 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions reductions.

It is understood that, as the Green Industry Huaxing company to carry out the core product - the waves and active web H-beam welding production equipment, but also China's first waves of the web initiative welding equipment, which is equipped with a number of national patents not only the remarkable achievements , to fill the two technology gaps, also will be the first wave of the web of steel components used in steel construction areas actually works. Today, the project was included in the Yellow River Delta Efficient Ecological Economic Zone serious scheduling construction projects, a national "Twelfth Five Year Plan" back-up project was included in the national key new product plan Science and Technology, and has been listed as national key high-tech support projects, key construction projects in Shandong Province, Shandong Province, serious focus areas first (set) equipped with technology, residential and rural construction, "National Science and Technology to promote the project."

Waves of steel components is a new web profiles, not only can replace traditional steel construction, the biggest feature is the energy, materials, green, green. Huaxing science reporter at the Court on the 1st workshop carried out to see a total construction area of ​​nearly 100,000 square meters of factory buildings all use the waves web members, is the first component of the project using the web waves, than conventional flat steel web members save 28.5% of the project to get the production and installation of steel structure design two gold. In addition, up to 70 meters span Huaxing Engineering restaurant workers in the country to achieve the primary waves web use in large span space, the project radial beam section height of 1.5 meters, save steel by 43.5%.

Waves of energy savings webs, former Deputy Secretary General of China's construction of metal structures Association, the construction of steel structures Commission director Yoon Minda make analysis from a professional perspective, he said: thickness "of the waves of the web in general between 2-6 mm, cross-section height of about 330 to 1500 mm. for the same specifications as large span portal frame construction, beams, columns selection waves web members, can greatly save steel, reducing the amount of steel structure together to reduce the base load, save cost base. "the expert said that the current H-beam web waves can be used to construct large-scale public construction beam lines constructed roof, floor, etc., especially in large-span bending member advantage is more significant.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號